Monday, February 22, 2016


I have been slacking.  :)  I enjoyed some R&R time with some of my favorite ladies in one of my favorite places, North Carolina!  I am back at it though and have a crazy spring, which really is when I feel I am at my best.  Too much time seems to make me lazy!

So enough about that.  One of my favorite foods this last year has been Arugula.  My aunt introduced it to me and now I use every excuse to incorporate it in my meal.  Arugula is a very flavorful leafy vegetable and I feel that most people will either love it or hate it.  The other thing to remember about it, is that it is a delicate vegetable and spoils somewhat easy.  I always check the dates, you will know if it isn't good, it smells BAD!

So how do you eat it?  I love it for breakfast.  I put it on a plate, put a piece of plain toast and then an over easy egg.  You can add anything else you want.  I just use what I have around, grape tomatoes, green peppers, onion, etc.  I let the egg run out and act as the "dressing" so I don't add any calories to it.  It is super yummy and I always feel good when I eat it since there isn't a lot of sugar etc. like most breakfast foods!

Click below to see the recipe for my favorite dinner with Arugula.  Super easy and yummy.  You can cut out the goat cheese if you want. 
Chicken Orzo Salad

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