Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Gone to the Birds

Our Flicker

So this will probably sound odd, but if you have a child's birthday or even an adults get them a bird feeder!  On a stressful day I can look out my "office" window at my window feeder or out my kitchen window and watch the wonderful birds I have at my feeders and I think my blood pressure goes down so fast.  Nature works in amazing ways and it is a wonderful stress reliever and educational tool for my kiddos.  Just a few of the birds I see; Cardinals, Tufted Titmice, Pileated woodpeckers, Red bellies woodpeckers, Downy woodpeckers, Flickers, Junkos, Bluebirds and the list goes on.  I have 2 suet cake feeders, 2 normal bird feeders, a window feeder and a bird bath.  I also have 2 humming bird feeders in the Spring/Summer. 

My kids get to learn so much from having these feeders.  They have small bird guides that they can look up what they are seeing.  We are a bit crazy and name our birds.  Our Pileated Woodpeckers are Sparkles and Woody!

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on food, you can always do a birdbath.  My bluebirds who are beautiful love the water source.  I just have a plant saucer with a rock in placed in the middle on the railing of my deck.  Doesn't have to be fancy!  Also the hummingbird feeders are a good low cost option since you just need sugar and water. 

So I know some people would say it isn't good to feed them because they will become dependent.  First, they wouldn't need fed if we didn't destroy so much of their natural habitat and second they aren't stupid.  They will find food in other places if it isn't available at your house.  Feeding in the winter months just helps them get through the tough period of the year.  More info coming on plants you can put in your yard to help these birds and our monarch butterfly population!  

I use black oil sunflower seed in my feeders and then a high protein suet cake.  See below for some feeder ideas.

Suet Cake Feeder

Black Oil Sunflower Feeder

Hummingbird Feeder

One last note, read up on feeder placement.  It is important so birds don't hit your windows, etc.  I also find you have to be super careful if you have hummingbird feeders or plants that attract humming birds that you keep your garage closed.  They often get trapped in garages.  

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