Thursday, February 4, 2016

O'Fallon, MO Safety Town

Summer!  Yes, it is 30 something degrees out but I am already planning for summer!  I like to give my kiddos lots of experiences and keep them busy so I don't hear "Mom, I don't have anything to do"!

My first Summer feature is the O'Fallon Safety Town Camp.

Age Requirement: 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 year olds

This was a program one of my great neighbors told me about and my 5 year old went to last year.  Here is what I loved about the program:
  • The police officers that run this program are super great with the kids and have been doing it for 20+ years!  They have teenage volunteers that help run the program.
  • The program runs for 2 weeks.  There are 3 sessions to pick from which is great for planning around other activities!
  • The cost is only $60 and $40 for any additional children that participate. They have morning and afternoon sessions and they run for about 2 1/2 hours.  THAT IS CHEAP FOR A CAMP!
  • Most importantly the kids learn all kinds of valuable tools like bike safety, crossing the road, stranger danger, gun safety etc.  They get to meet fire fighters, paramedics, police officers and teachers.  They even get a free bike helmet!  It is all done in a fun and non scary way but the message is there and the kiddos soak it in.  My 5 year old just reminded me this morning that she knew to look for cars before she crossed the road because of Safety Town.  
All in all a super great program so go check it out on the link above.  I will be putting all these posts in categories too.  I know my now 2 year old will love this so I want to make it easy to find down the road!!!

Oh and don't worry out of town friends I wont always be posting about local stuff! :)

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